"Since 1972 I have produced three to five gouaches a day. I have principles connected with this new medium:
1. Never rub out or attempt to erase. Work round it if you have made a mistake. Make of your mistakes a strength rather than a weakness.
2. Wait for it. That is , if you don't get a clear message, do nothing.
3. If you have a full brush and you have made a mark, do not think that you have to use the paint on your brush - wash it out.
4. As in life, it is not so much what you put in but what you leave out that counts.
5. Paint as if you were painting a wall (Bissiere).
6. No colour stands alone. They are all influenced by each other. This is when the dicey part comes in. I mean the balancing act.
7. Most pictures can be pulled round. If you run into head winds, tear it up.
8. Don't drink and smoke so much & lay off the nudes. Nice, but too easy a gambit."
Roger Hilton, from The Figured Language of Thought by Andrew Lambirth, published by Thames and Hudson, 2007.
Spring 2010
Declan McMullan on The Murals of Northern Ireland
Robert Bordo in Conversation with Steve DiBenedetto
Marcus Harvey Interviews Basil Beattie
Stuart Elliot on Simon Callery
In the Studio: Robert Welch's Paintings by Mali Morris
The Banana by Damien Hirst
and more...